Design principles for better Developer

What are good developers and what distinguishes them?

typing fast or the number of lines of code per day. It can not be calculated like that right?

In my understanding a good developer writing working code all the time. How any developer can write code that works all the time. How would know that that works all the time. That is difficult to tell by any developer right?

Well. there might be so many corner cases that need to be considered otherwise things go in the wrong way.

When we follow good design patterns while writing the code lots of other problems can easily it solves and any other future enhancements on it will not result into other issues so its better to apply right principles wherever it is possible.

thinking about it in detaill - What can go wrong? Beginners are usually too optimistic and think too little about the case of failure.

planning it - Do I have all the information? Are there any side effects? Beginners often start typing immediately to get things done quickly. Not always the best way to write good code.

testing it - Are all requirements met? Does everything work as expected or am I overlooking something? Beginners sometimes don't test their own piece of code.

KISS Principle

The simplest solution for any complex problem is Keep It Simple, Stupid!. Good developers always do this.

Dry Principle

Good developers do repeat themselves, they encapsulate functionality - even if time is running out again. This prevents errors or inconsistencies and increases maintainability at the same time.


There are many aspects to being a good developer, but please remember: no one is born a master or is even perfect. Aiming to be a better developer already takes you a big step further. If you take the time and work on yourself, the rest will come naturally.

Maybe one more not so unimportant thought at the end. To become a good developer, however, you have to do one thing above all: practice, practice, practice... Practice makes perfect!

Happy learning!